Friday, June 25, 2010

7 year olds......scary

OK So today was a FRIDAY!!!! friday rhymes with myday!! lol so we had to do a play about oliver twist in groups our group was a fail ( at least i knoe i'm not gonna be an actress when i grow up) Ina's group was soooooo good! anyway after school i had a taco seriously,  i love tacos, so after that i went to KULSUM's house to help her with her sister's partay WOOT WOOT party party party whoops i got carried away.  so We decided  to go into kulsum's bedroom, we were in the hallway when we heard * gasp* a faint scream. we came closer and closer, the scream got louder and louder and then suddenly....... wait i need to drink some water brb i'll leave u in suspense. ok i'm back where was i again? oh yeah and then suddenly we opened the door and we heard soooooo many 7 year olds screaming, (i am still recovering) lol jks  so any ways i was too scared to go in, but kulsum pushed me in the bedroom and all these 7 year olds came charging at was scary.  so after that i had to go get my ears checked haha jokes. it was quite fun, we gave them *makeovers* *cough* *cough* i wouldn't really call it a makeover, more like a disaster...:) :D . enough talking about that, so i would like to say" everyone go to ina's blog!!! its awesome!!" btw she payed me to say that, ina if you are reading this now please don't kill me ahhhh :) lol i am joking seriously read her blog!!!!so drumroll please, i would like to now present the " Random Fact of the Day"
Random fact of the day is : Hamsters only blink one eye at a time